Learning Agreement



Date: 16-07-2014

What is your subject of study?

    My area of exploring knowledge focus on how lighting is used as a part of designing for stage, set, events and film and even the effect of colour on sets, costumes and space. In addition to that study aspects of designing of stage, set, and events with reverence of lighting, I will also investigate all new technologies and methods of light designing; construct lighting scheme that adds to the drama of a scene and intensifies the emotions; also explore diverse ways of setting up lighting to achieve different moods in wedding event. Scrutinize various aspects of designing a Indian wedding whit all customs and rituals. Lighting has a profound effect over the visual and emotional appeal of the set.

What is your research question?

How lighting design plays vital role for stage, set and event design?
What are main elements in designing a wedding and how lighting plays a significant role?

Research aim(s):

    Developing basic understanding of lighting design by studying current work practice and looking at early era work. Acquire enough knowledge about history, purpose, and function of lighting on stage, event and film. Understanding effects of lighting in a live event on audience. How is different lighting set ups seen through camera? Arrangement of lighting for various types of stage events. The role of lighting design for setting up mood at wedding , additionally evaluate how these different moods or experience can be applied within the technical environments. Follow a line of investigation about different types of Indian wedding, important colour schemes for wedding .Considerate various lighting methods for evaluating its effectiveness on wedding stage, set, or  event as a whole. Become familiar with ongoing practice, learn to utilise appropriate tools and lighting techniques and equipments.

Answer the following implied questions:
o    How lighting enhances the experience?
o    How dose lighting affect the audience interpretation of set-up?
o    How lighting set up is used to achieve different emotional feels?
o    To what extent lighting helps creating a different look at wedding?
o    What does Proper and effective lighting design requires at wedding?
Research objectives(s):

·  To understand style, composition, balance, acoustics and human emotions through designing of lighting. Put articles on reflective journal.
  •      Effect of lighting design, and determine the specific conditions of acceptability
  •      Comprehend the science of light, optics and vision. Put articles on reflective journal.
  •    Identify with psychology of perception and lighting technology. Put articles on reflective journal.
  •     Shadowing and observing the evolution of stage design from past to present world of theatres and film industry. Put articles on reflective journal.
  •     Explore the fundamental objectives of stage lighting design. Put articles on reflective journal.
  •      Look at different ways to light and colour a set for wedding. Practical projects with reflective journal articles.
  •       Studying about different kinds of fashion photo shoot set ups. web search. 
  •      Developing a theme for a fashion photo shoot.
  •      Building up a set for all functions in Indian wedding. Making models.
  •      Researching of light technology to set design. Put research on reflective journal.
  •     Application of light technology to wedding events. Put research on reflective journal.
  •     To test the acceptability of key concepts and recommended behaviors related to light design. Practical projects with reflective journal articles.
  •     Audience insight on changing a space with lights at a wedding event. Survey analysis in reflective journal.
  •     Survey led changes in technology and what are the possibilities for its development in future. Put articles in reflective journal.
  •    Study about all different kinds of wedding of India. Journal article on reflective journal.
  •      Research early wedding and present day wedding. Case studies, at least 3.
  •   Influence of following things on lighting design – colour, direction/distribution, intensity, form, and movement. Case studies, at least 3.


·         What is the wider context of your project?

   Throughout the 20th century, scene designers have made use of the technological advances that have affected all areas of our lives. First, use of electrical power allowed areas of the stage and house as well as the scenery to be operated electrically. Scene designers today, like the other artists of the theatre, have no single standard way of creating scenery.  Instead, they can design scenery drawing on hundreds of years of different styles and traditions, perhaps being true to the conventions of wing and drop scenery for one production while, for another production, they might use projections and fragmented scenery made up of three dimensional structures, later is now a day’s more likely to be used and accepted worldwide. Due to evolution over such an era of time now in 21st century stage and event design have much spotlight over lighting and its effects.
    In modern times with the evolution taking place lighting and colour play essential role in film or TV set design and event as it is responsible of setting up the mood of at all occasion.

·         How does the project relate to your previous experience/practice?

    I am from architectural background, that has developed my understand skills of lighting and ventilation into a permanent structure with respect to natural as well as artificial lighting inside a building or a room. Also have good amount of knowledge about technical drawing which I will be using in my current project with further advancement and addition to it. Using my knowledge of constructing permanent structure, apply same skills with little interweave in making of temporary sets for a film or TV and events. In my previous study also I had to create a perfect aura for humans to live in with comfort using materials like concrete, brick, cement etc. In addition for set  and event design i am suppose to create same aura but that looks good on camera, to audience and gusts (at wedding) with keeping comfort into consideration and lastly which is a temporary assemble.

·         How does it relate to relevant current practices, debates and theory?

   In every event, function or festival, lighting plays an important role in terms of enhancing, attracting crowd, and creating moods. Thus I feel lighting can help in very grate manner to describe the scene, and the purpose of event. With evolution of set design the use of lighting and colours has been increased. Technological enlargement in current world also has a huge impact for set designers to use them and present that out to larger audience. Also with progress of time spectators also demands revolutionize and uniqueness for the old way of set designing, where lighting industry plays a significant role to cater wants of viewers. Which is why more and more use of light in different ways is been implied.

·         Why is the intended research significant? (So what?)

    Research will help me to understand how to create this various mood auras all the way through lighting, it will also help me to understand how different lighting can be used for particular events or functions or scenes. Also would like to understand and research on how audience react to it, audience point of view and how moods and whole ambiance change with using of lights and colour.


  •     My research would primarily start with observing and learning form early as well as present era films. Pay attention to the way the director uses lighting to help create the mood in a scene.
  •      Setting up lighting in wedding model that allows me to explore lighting design with a different outlook.
  •      Developing intervention design based on theoretical understanding
  •     Research mainly would be on studying effects of natural as well as artificial lighting on human psychology and studying the science behind colour psychology.
  •     Creates the primary visual environment for the wedding  or a set for a particular scene and then shooting it with different lighting set up, colour, strength and variation on the basic key, fill and back light set up, To understand in detail how lighting plays key role in creating mood at event.
  •      Making models and testing them on camera with various lighting effects.

Learning objectives

·   I plan to extend my skills of architectural knowledge by include a wider skill base including a variety of computer based applications including CAD, Vector works, Maya, 3d max, Photoshop, goggle sketch up  and technical drawing skills. I also want to increase further understanding in model making/props using new materials and technology.
·    Improve my time management skills and also train myself to deal with all kinds of professionals at same time and organize all work.
  •        I will take up using my skills of model making and develop it further with involving lighting on to it.

Submissions (practical and written work)

On my course this year I would be doing a lot of research work that would be followed by some practice projects and learning guidelines. To compile all of my work I would be have an ongoing reflective journal which is (mansijune09.blogspot.com), that will have all record of my work round the year including the entire of my research and references. Along with a sketch book that will showcase all my initials ideas and journey to my practical project. To support my ideas and present them will comprise of technical drawings, basic models, 3d set ups on computers, and visuals created using computers software.

Resource implications

     Within the course I could do with access to computer applications such as 3D max, Maya, Google sketch up for set and lighting design , appropriate workshops and skills classes so I can put side by side pre-production. This will also depend on the design process; as I discover methods and solutions, with  models and concepts also lighting on to model will give clearer understanding. I plan to get in touch with various designers and get myself involved with student production in a small play house or people who have worked(if get a chance). With anticipation find some on-going work that I can observe, e.g. a visit to a set on location or take a look at lighting setting of some stage or event.
     Model making equipment and gaining skill knowledge on it.


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