Thursday 10 July 2014

putting together model 2 (haldi ceremony)

second setup is of Haldi ceremony.

Indian wedding ceremonies have many interesting rituals and customs before the wedding ceremony. For which Haldi Kumkum (turmeric and vermilion) have a special place.

Location – open arena where some built up can be done.

For making representation of the space I would like to craft I first got my concept ready and cut all the parts of model.

Concept - as the color of Haldi Kumkum (turmeric and vermilion), which are yellow and red I have conceptualized whole set with tone of yellow and red. Ceremony being a day time I have illumination with giant yellow halogen lighting.

Lighting – the overall area for ceremony is been light up by yellow halogen and the way in is deliberate as seven rainbow colors architraves to enter from.

Model – I got all my parts laser cut and pasted them all with one another to get a model of scale 1:50 scale. For lighting part of it I have a blown up model of selected area. Joined them using glue gun.

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