Thursday 17 July 2014


drawing prepared for laser cut

and after that putting all this parts to for a finished product.

progress with the model making for the set
also with the details of steps and detailed window.

model in progress.

 final model .yet to bring in light effect.

which is coming up in next entry.

Wednesday 16 July 2014


Indian wedding  concept
Location- built p space as per set design
For making representation of the space I would like to build I first got my concept ready and cut all the parts of model.

Concept – Cinderella theme I tried to keep wedding to an outdoor ceremony and reception an indoor one. So for wedding we have an outdoor set up as designed. Considering all elements of life that are water, air, earth, fire i have planned a weeding space in such a way so as to cover up all of this elements of life, and even keeping in mind the outdoor area of a castle.

Model – I got all my parts laser cut and pasted them all with one another to get a model of scale 1:100 scale.

Saturday 12 July 2014



Indian wedding ceremonies have many interesting rituals and customs before the wedding ceremony. Another one is mendhi ceremony.

Location – open garden with a place to construct dome like structure. Following Image is an ideal place for this set up.

For making representation of the space I would like to build I first got my concept ready and cut all the parts of model. blue lines is kis on paper and red lines are cutting lines.

Concept – as the traditional colour for mendhi is green, so for my design of set my basic colour are green n orange used all over the set to give it a ambiance feel.

Lighting – as this function is in day time i tried to create few penetration on to the structure itself that will form the shadow pattern whit daylight.

Model – I got all my parts laser cut and pasted them all with one another to get a model of scale 1:50 scale.

Thursday 10 July 2014

putting together model 2 (haldi ceremony)

second setup is of Haldi ceremony.

Indian wedding ceremonies have many interesting rituals and customs before the wedding ceremony. For which Haldi Kumkum (turmeric and vermilion) have a special place.

Location – open arena where some built up can be done.

For making representation of the space I would like to craft I first got my concept ready and cut all the parts of model.

Concept - as the color of Haldi Kumkum (turmeric and vermilion), which are yellow and red I have conceptualized whole set with tone of yellow and red. Ceremony being a day time I have illumination with giant yellow halogen lighting.

Lighting – the overall area for ceremony is been light up by yellow halogen and the way in is deliberate as seven rainbow colors architraves to enter from.

Model – I got all my parts laser cut and pasted them all with one another to get a model of scale 1:50 scale. For lighting part of it I have a blown up model of selected area. Joined them using glue gun.

Wednesday 9 July 2014

influence of high end entertainment shows...


The influence of TV shows reaches the corporate market as well. "'Deal or No Deal' is very popular--we have been asked to take that premise and make an interactive team-building EVENT based on that show," notes David Merrell, head of L.A.-based An Original Occasion. "As well, 'Lost,' 'Fear Factor' and 'Survivor' are the themes that clients ask to be created with an interactive element for their attendees." The granddaddy show for corporate events: "'Jeopardy,'" Merrell says. "The question content can be specifically changed to a client-specific PRODUCT or product line."

The problem with the event-based shows in particular, planners agree, is they set unrealistic expectations about BUDGETS. "Many do not show the price tag associated with the over-the-top" events, Andonoplas notes.

Her bar and bat mitzvah clients "have to know going in that what they see on the shows is expensive to produce," Arthurs says. "However, I find that with that particular demographic of client, they usually get what they want." What's the craziest thing a client enamored of TV shows ever asked her for? "She wanted to be followed by a pink spotlight the entire night," Arthurs says.

As I noted, uniqueness is a quality highly prized, but within very narrow limits. Uniqueness is a fiction, in other words, but in the language of the shows and the wedding industry, it's something you achieve through intense attention to detail (with no detail coming free) or by spending more so that, yes, it's a strapless white gown, but its custom made. So learn what, in the language of wedding reality shows, what's unique, what's a fairytale, and what's just not really like a wedding at all.

Tuesday 8 July 2014


Wonder how an event idea is developed into an event concept and placed into wider event environment, through the way in which the event is structured and designed???

A key to designing successful event is creating a clear sense of purpose and concept . The event design process includes events environments that are internal as well as external to the event management team. The wide scope of interaction with stake holders as well as suppliers creates communication and supply chains. The event scope identifies the goal and objectives of the project and the agreed allocation between the events management team and stakeholders. The event evolution process involves process involves a continuous loop of questioning as to how well the event meets the need of everyone who has been involved in the event management process.


DESIGN: the idea, purpose and strategic need of the client. Defining the event concept (who, what, why, when and where) and creating a memorable experience.


DEVELOPMENT: developing the design of an event concept, considering the viability and fit of event components, stakeholders, marketing and resources.


DELIVERY : the production and technical requirements necessary in taking an event concept live including staging, audiovisual requirements, exhibitions installation, communication networks, logistics and event and stage design.

Monday 7 July 2014


Events never work in isolation. An event involves a team that creates relationship with other people, whether business, social, corporate or institutional. For the life of the event and often beyond, event relationships foster commercial, social and communication networks.
Successful events involve the production team orchestrating a series of complex teams involved in interacting in stakeholder’s relationship. Event creates positive or negative memorable experiences for all those participating in the event at all levels.

All events start with an idea. A good idea can create a spark that opens complex field of creative activities that involves teams of people. How an idea is conceived and designed determines the success of an event. The event concept develops the initial idea to include the purpose, aims and desired event out comes – understanding from the initial planning stage, for whom event being planned including client and audience. The event concept is a critical component of feasibility studies and is the initial building block on which successful events are created.

Sunday 6 July 2014

The modern events industry

The scale and scope of the event industry have grown significantly in recent years, with increased professionalism, new innovations in event education and a wider recognition of the event industries political, social, cultural, economic impacts. Events today touch all our lives and it is important to recognize the full range of business within the event industry. Every business sector relies upon the events industry for meeting, conferences and product launches. The non-profit sector utilizes events for funding and awareness raising purpose. The term event covers a multitude of activities, including:

Concerts                                    Charity events  
Family events                             Celebrations
Wedding                                    Product launches
Festivals                                    Conferences
Theater performances                 Sports events

Meeting                                     Trade fairs and exhibitions

The modern industry is synonymous within innovation – new ideas to create increasingly impressive events using state of the art production technologies. At the same time, events are often consumed by strong emotional attachments that are linked to past through ritual, nostalgia and traditional. An event that does not have these is likely to be in search of them. At the same time the events will be expected to provide financial returns on its investments and ensure that it is novel, that it retained its relevance to the market and that the production is of a contemporary standard. 
Event managers and marketing must understand these ambiguities and adopt a perspective that is consistent with the events social, cultural and commercial context.

When considered together, it is evident that commercial logic and economic rationality are often at odds with the romantic visions, passion and emotion present in an event. This is the paradoxical nature of events and it is these paradoxes and points of difference that justify event industry  as a legitimate profession.

These tensions are placing more demands on the skill levels of those people who work in the industry. There are a number of entry points into the events sector and each has corresponding level of qualification and skill. For e.g. someone involved in the implementation of sound and lighting at an event will have a different skill set and professional background from the person responsible for negotiating government / corporate sector support for the event. It is important that event organizations are not assumed less complex or that performance outcomes are more easily achievable when compared with other organizations.

The growth and development of the events industry worldwide has created opportunities for management professionals in a wide variety of settings. Boosted by advances in telecommunications, increased government and corporate sector investments, the industry continues to develop new products that provide quality experiences for consumers. Demand for competent manager in this area, underpinned by tertiary qualification, has grown rapidly in recent years.

Because the events industry is perceived as an exciting and dynamic industry, it attracts people with a diverse array of experiences and qualification, acquired outside of the events context.  

Saturday 5 July 2014


putting up all laser cut pieces together and building up whit card rendered model.