Monday 23 December 2013

Guidelines for great stage design:

Not to use black backdrop: If using drape or a curtain as backdrop, not to use black or very dark colours. Must try to break-up the black background with other stage elements. These will help create separation between the speaker and the background on your video recordings.

Absence of clutter: Clutter -- power cables, multiple laptops, projection rigs distracts the eye. Want audience to be able to maintain full attention to the talks and performances.

Decoration: Without a little decoration, your stage will look cold and flat. An interesting art piece, technological artifact or intriguing piece of furniture on stage (consider an object that speaks to event's theme) will give your event a distinct personality, and accent the talks on stage.

Easy entrance and exit: Make it easy for onstage host and live speakers by offering a simple way to get on and off of the stage. No need for a green room all live participants should enter the stage from the audience. This approach saves time and makes transitions smoother.

Layered lighting: Flat lighting will make even the most exciting performance dull to look at. Even if venue only has fluorescent lights, you can avoid the "lecture hall" look by using floor lamps and placing them at the foot of the stage.

Well-placed screen: Place projection or video screen where the audience won't have to turn their heads to see it but also where it won't interfere with the live speaker.

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