Wednesday 25 June 2014


To incorporate tent structure into my design I started studding its structure as well as its foundation. Which will gives me more clarification on how and what designs I can aim at.

Originally made from goat and CAMEL hair, the Bedouin tents we now know and love have certainly changed a lot from their humble origins.

Going way back to when they were first created, Bedouin tents were used for very practical reasons, and highly different to how we use them now. The tents were used for shelter in the Middle East, with sides that could be altered to suit differing needs, and, interestingly, the height of the tent suggested the wealth of its owner. 

Originally, one HALF of the tent would be used to help protect the women whilst they cooked, and the other half was used only for men to sit and relax, enjoying each other’s company.

Being adaptable to all seasons is something our more modern tents are still great for – as you can see from our previous blog about winter parties – and tents can still be a great venue for hosting an event. Although, now we are lucky enough to be able to use various forms of electric heaters to keep our guests warm, and it’s certainly COLDER here in the UK than it is in the Middle East.
Having made their way overseas – popular due to their versatility and durability – tents have evolved in both style and substance. The construction of these tents has certainly changed, with the use of goat and camel hair being a thing of the past for MODERN day tents.

This change in materials and being no longer restricted to the colour of the ANIMAL fur used to make them, the tents can now be made in various different colours, and also produced on a mass scale. With lighting features incorporated into designs and different materials available to dress the tents they certainly are more advanced now than they were when they began.
But some original materials and features have continued to be used, and we have dressed many Moroccan themed parties with tents using TRADITIONAL drapes, carpets, and tribal accessories.

The ways in which the tents are used have certainly stayed very similar to when they were first created. In recent years, Bedouin tents are popularly used for both men and women to entertain in, with a wide range of events taking place in them, from weddings and christenings to birthdays… the tents are certainly adaptable and VERSATILE.

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