Tuesday 3 June 2014

my wedding theme and its design criteria

Starting from exploration and understanding, I have designed myself an vicinity and particular theme in which I will be crafty all wedding functions.
Beginning from survey analyses and popularity among people of India I have come to conclusion for designing a weeding with 2 different aspect, which are  a fairy tale touch with a Victorian look and another would be a designed development form day to day or some unique things which has never been used for a wedding décor.

  No of wedding functions to be designed
  •       Ring ceremony
  •         Pithi ceremony
  •         Mendhi (hena application)
  •         Sangeet sandhya (musical night)
  •         Wedding
  •        Reception

All of these six functions I would be designed one as an outdoor set up and another indoor setup. With two eccentric design theme.
As for outdoor I will be trying and designing it using different and distinct materials that are never been used before for wedding décor and also using natural lighting as one of design elements.

For an interior set up I will be focusing on artificial lighting and giving it a look of Victorian era.

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