Monday 7 April 2014


Themes in Indian weddings till recent times were decided by the cultural background of the bride and groom. The traditions and practises of the culture was what formed the décor and theme of the wedding. But now with many intercultural marriages taking place and also the want to be unique, it has given rise to the concept of theme weddings and it is slowly gaining popularity here too. It creates a memorable experience for everyone and will definitely be a talked about affair among the guests. Though people in India are slowly experimenting with different themes nowadays, they are still conventional ones like royal themes, romantic themes and fairy-tale themes.

Royal Theme

This larger than life theme is the most popular one among the affluent in India. This theme requires a big budget so it is chosen mostly by those who can afford to splurge lavishly. This is probably due to the rich royal heritage of the country as it was ruled by many kings and monarchs till 50 years ago. It is a vintage style where the bride and groom look like an Indian prince and princess or king and queen. The first choice of location for such wedding is usually portions of palaces or royal buildings for complete authenticity. But in case of their unavailability and to also make it more affordable, luxury hotels and resorts are chosen as they can be decked and decorated to look like a replica of a palace. The décor, ambience and menu of the wedding are always elegant and opulent.

Romantic Theme

This for the obvious reasons of romance and love is the most popular theme for weddings. It is especially popular around Valentine’s Day which is the hot favourite day among many couple to get married.  As the name     suggests the décor and theme is soft, subtle and romantic. Flowers, fountains, lace, satin, candles and colours of red and pink are some of the important aspects that form the décor of this wedding. It can be indoor with beautiful draperies or outdoor under the stars as long as beautiful music is playing in the background. Everything about this wedding must be welcoming and enchanting to not only the couple but to the guest too.

Fantasy or Fairy-tale Theme

A fairy-tale or fantasy theme is ideally the re-creation of the setting of popular fairy-tale stories such as Cinderella etc. It is not necessarily a copy of the exact theme and is usually just certain aspects taken from it and modified to suit the occasion and look more contemporary. This is relatively a new theme in the Indian wedding scene and is one of the most popular ones in western countries. More than for wedding ceremonies in India this theme is more appropriate for receptions and cocktail parties. It is romantic and is what every girl dreams of when she is little, making her truly feel like a princess on her big day.

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