Sunday 27 October 2013

The dreamWorks effect : artical

The article discusses the post and pre -  production design of Dream Works .

Dream Works projects like "Saving Private Ryan," "Gladiator," "Road to Perdition" and "Band of Brothers" are illustrative of an approach to the past in which events are conveyed via participation, motivation and apparent honesty to period setting and lived experiences.

The Dream Works "effect" has been able to create narrative appears realistic weather fictional or non fictional. Issues of realism have had new currency since the late-1990s, when digital post-production techniques (computer-generated imagery - CGI) became industry standard in historical reconstruction.

Before CGI, the limitations of a production's budget could be measured by its attention to detail on set. Now, as a matter of routine, "physical" objects can be placed in the image. Ideologically, the creation of both a realistic and meaningful space in film has shifted to the two-dimensional image, yet that image appears to have been filmed in the real three-dimensional world.

The use of computer-generated imagery (CGI) in motion pictures from late 1990s. Increase in the usage of CGI in motion pictures because it is affordable; and Effects of the use of CGI on the story quality of a film.

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